FAQ 1053
Can I take my exams again if I don't like my results?

Undergraduate Students: If you have failed a non-condonable module then you will automatically be referred. A referred examination gives you a second chance to pass, but the module result will be capped at the pass mark. 

If you have failed a condonable module and meet the criteria for condonement, then you will not be allowed a further attempt.

If you have passed the module then you will not be allowed to take a further attempt. Students who have applied for mitigation and been successful may be offered a deferred assessment and will be advised of the Mitigation Committee outcome by email.

Postgraduate Students: If you have failed a module with a result of less than 40% then you will automatically be referred. A referred examination gives you a second chance to pass, but the module result will be capped at the pass mark. 

If you have failed a module with a mark of 40-49% this is a condonable fail and you may not be offered the opportunity to take a referred exam. You will be notified of any referred examinations when you receive your results in June.

If you have passed the module then you will not be allowed to take a further attempt. Students who have applied for mitigation and been successful may be offered a deferred assessment and will be advised of the Mitigation Committee outcome by email.