FAQ 1056
Can I resit my exam in my home country?

No. The University has taken the decision to no longer support the sitting of exams overseas. This is because of the increasing costs to students and the University, the risk of disruption to students where local circumstances mean that an exam cannot be sat, as well as concerns about administering these exams in a way that safeguards academic standards.

You will be told if you need to take a referred or deferred exam after the exam boards are held in mid-June. The final exam timetable will be issued mid-July and the referred / deferred exams will be held in August. If you are required to take a referred or deferred exam this August you will need to return to Exeter or Penryn to sit the exam. Accommodation in halls of residence will be available – details will be sent via email to students sitting referred / deferred exams in mid-July. 

The only exceptions will be: 
If you are unable to travel for documented medical reasons. 
If you are committed to an activity abroad that is academic-related (such as a summer school) 
If you are committed to an activity abroad that is directly related to your graduate level employability (such as an internship) 
Other exceptional personal circumstances

Further information can be found here.