FAQ 165
I cannot see my online payment on my statement. Can you check that it went through correctly?

An automated email will be sent within minutes of the payment being confirmed - this will be sent to the email address given during the payment process. 

If you do not receive this email, we recommend you wait for the recommended amount of time (see below) before checking your Online Statement (via your Student Record on iExeter). 


If your payment is still not shown, you can try again or use one of the alternative methods of payments listed on our How to Pay web page.


It takes approximately 24 hours to process an online payment.

    For payments made Sunday - Thursday, please check your statement 24 hours after payment.  


    For payments made on a Friday or Saturday, please check your statement after midday on the following Monday.


    If you have received a confirmation email but your payment has not appeared on your Online Statement after the stated time delay, then please log an enquiry online with the Student Information Desk (via the SID tile on iExeter). 

    Alternatively, please call (UK) 0300 555 0444 or (International) +44 (0)1392 724 724.