FAQ 200
What does my UniCard entitle me to do?

The UniCard serves as your Library card, identifies you as a member of the University and allows you appropriate access to its services and facilities.

Entitlement to University facilities varies according to your University status.

UniCards bears the user’s name and photo, expiry date and a barcode with a number underneath it.

The barcode/number is encoded on the reverse of the card and this magnetic strip is used for building access control.

The UniCard also carries the University of Exeter logo.

Stagecoach Devon buses have discounted fares arranged for students - mega rider and gold rider tickets can be purchased from University of Exeter retail outlets. Simply present your UniCard along with the NUS extra card, available from Guild Reception, Devonshire House to receive the discount on the weekly tickets. 

In Cornwall, First Bus, have subsidised bus transport available for staff and students upon presentation of an in-date UniCard to the bus driver to obtain discounted fares. Carnets of tickets are also available from the Tremough and Woodlane shops.

Your UniCard also needs to be produced to gain membership of the University's Sports Centres.

For more information, please see the UniCard website or please log an enquiry with the Student Information Desk (via the SID tile on iExeter)