FAQ 2072
I have failed a module from term 1, what do I need to do about the retake?

Some programmes have "condonable modules". You will need to check your programme structure to see if the module you have failed is condonable or not. 

If it is not condonable, then you will automatically be referred (have to retake) this module in the August referred assessment period. You do not need to apply for this referral, we will contact you once all results are known after the Term 3 May exams, and give you all the details you need for your retake.

If your module IS condonable, then we will need to wait until all of your results are known after the Term 3 May exam period to see if the module satisfies the condonable conditions: Undergraduates can have a maximum of 30 credits condoned, the module in question will have a score of less than 40%, and Postgraduates can have a maximum of 45 credits condoned, the module in question must have a score between 40 - 49%. 

If you fail more than the amount of credits that can be condoned, you will be automatically referred in all failed modules.

In all cases, we will contact you at the appropriate time (once ALL module results are known) with full instructions of what to do next. You do NOT need to apply for your resits.