Word may sometimes display hyperlinks such as email addresses or URL's incorrectly, particularly with brackets around them. For example as { HYPERLINK "mailto:random.email@exeter.ac.uk"} instead of the normal hyperlink. Please complete the following to resolve to normal
For Office 2007: Click on the office button, then Word Options. From the left hand side select Advanced. Scroll down to Show Document Content and un check "Show Field codes instead of their values". Alternatively, press ALT+F9.
For Office 2010 onwards: Click on the file tab in the ribbon, then Options, from the left hand side select Advanced. Scroll down to Show Document Content and un check "Show Field codes instead of their values". Alternatively, press ALT+F9. The document will then return the hyper links and references to normal. This setting does not need to be saved when exiting a document as it is an option you choose for all Word documents and not just one.