FAQ 2387
Can I study a language as part of my degree?

Yes. The Foreign Language Centre offers undergraduate modules in:


British Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish - from Beginners to Advanced levels.


Note that Beginners and Intermediate modules are available for 30 credits only, Advanced and For Business are available at both 15 and 30 credits. 

All FLC Undergraduate modules count for credits towards your degree. They are free to undergraduates who register formally and take them as part of their degree programme, providing that they have credits available.

Please check with your College first if in doubt.


Please note:

Some 15- and 30-credit modules are taught together; however, the codes are different. Please be sure to select the correct code. Once you have selected your module, you are NOT permitted to switch from 30 to 15 credits halfway through the academic year.

It is not possible to 'sit-in' or 'audit' FLC language modules.