FAQ 2457
How am I assessed when abroad?

How you are assessed depends greatly on the module you take (i.e. whether you are studying abroad, working abroad, or going abroad with the British Council).

Non-Modern Language students: If you are studying abroad for a full year (HUM3999 and HUM3999A), you will have to complete a Learning Log, as well as a minimum number of modules and credits. See here for more information: https://intranet.exeter.ac.uk/humanities/studyabroad/humanities/whileyoureabroad/.

Modern Language students: If studying abroad for a year, you will be put on the SML3020 module. Half of your year will depend on the marks from the modules you took abroad and half will depend on your oral exam, sat upon return to Exeter.

If splitting your placement studying and working, you will be on SML3025. In this case, you will also have an oral exam and be assessed on your grades from abroad, but will also have to complete a portfolio and write 3 essays.

If working abroad for the whole year, or with British Council, you will be put on SML3010. You will be assessed by an oral exam, a portfolio, and 3 essays. See here for more information:
https://intranet.exeter.ac.uk/humanities/studyabroad/modern_languages/faqs/#studying .