FAQ 2648
How to create a one-click log

One Click logs can be used to keep track of how many enquiries are being received, but that don’t require detail.


Log into SID Online using your university username and password.


In the left hand menu, click New ‘One Click’ Enquiry


The default enquirer for one click logs is the generic enquirer. If you want to one click against a particular enquirer, you can select this on the black button on the left.

If you are one click logging from any source apart from In Person, you will need to set the Source of Enquiry – if you are using a number of sources, you will need to set this each time.


Click the category you want to log the one click for. Note that you can click either in the hour you want to log it for (if logging retrospectively) or you can click the category in the list to one click for that hour.