FAQ 296
When can I attend Graduation?

All students are eligible to attend Graduation but it will depend on when you submitted your thesis/dissertation for examination, when your award was confirmed and what campus you are on. 

You will not be eligible to attend Graduation until all examiners' paperwork has been received and approved by the Dean of Graduate Research and the Vice Chancellor and your final copy has been lodged with the University, either electronic to ORE or hard bound, 

You may have been sent an invitation to attend Graduation because you were expected to complete in time.  However, if all paperwork is not complete by the cut-off date the invitation will be withdrawn.

Do not to invite guests until you are absolutely sure everything is finished.  Please check first with Postgraduate Administration by emailing pgadmin@exeter.ac.uk

Please ensure you register for Graduation before the deadline advised on the email invitation if you are planning to attend - it is rarely possible to register late.

For more information, please log an enquiry through the Student Information Desk by clicking the 'Log Enquiry' button below.

Details on Graduation dates can be found on the Graduation website.