FAQ 389
My visa is for another institution, can I use it to study at the University of Exeter?

If your current Tier 4/Student visa was issued for a course at a different institution, even if you have now completed that course, you will need to apply for a new visa using a CAS issued by the University of Exeter.

You will not be able to register at the University of Exeter until you have submitted a valid application. We strongly recommend that you submit this application through International Student Support to ensure that you do not have any difficulty registering on your University of Exeter programme.

The Student visa information on our website provides step-by-step information to help you prepare your visa application. Please read through this, then log an enquiry through SID giving details of your personal circumstances. One of the trained immigration advisers in the International Student Support office will provide you with further advice and book an appointment with you to submit your application.

For more information contact the International Student Support Team at  visaadvice@exeter.ac.uk  


If you would prefer a digital appointment via video call you have 2 options below:  


If you just have a quick question you can make a 5-10 min appointment using the booking form here  


If you would like a longer 45 minute appointment, you can make a request for one using the form here.