FAQ 392
What should I do if I lose my visa/passport?

These are important documents, and the process of replacing them can be time-consuming and expensive, but we can help you.

If you have lost your passport or BRP card you should first make sure that you have checked everywhere it could possibly be. This means:

-  Contacting the venue or location you were in when you last had it.

-  If you lost it on campus, check the lost property of Estate Patrol (Northcote House), or at the PIP desk in the Peter      Lanyon Building if you are a Cornwall student.

-  Contact the local police station as it may have been handed in there.

If you are not in the UK you may need to remain in the country you are currently in while you replace your documents.

Carefully read through the information on our website and contact us when necessary. We will provide you with advice specific to your situation and any additional documents you may require.

For more information contact the International Student Support Team at  visaadvice@exeter.ac.uk  

If you would prefer a digital appointment via video call you have 2 options below:  


If you just have a quick question you can make a 5-10 min appointment using the booking form here  


If you would like a longer 45 minute appointment, you can make a request for one using the form here.