FAQ 626
When do I start looking for next year's accommodation?

The most important first step is to make sure you are selecting the right people to share accommodation with you. Make sure you have similar habits, interests and budgets as this may help to avoid housemate fallout's. 

We recommend that you come along to the housing fair run by the Students' Guild in November each year. You will have the opportunity to meet with landlords, larger providers and chat to members of the Accommodation Office. 

We advertise on behalf of local landlords on a website called,
Studentpad. For more information on private sector accommodation, please visit our website.

We currently are able to offer University accommodation to 
returning students who have support from one of the University student support services.

We suggest that you start looking for your accommodation for the following academic year from January onwards, during which time we hold House Hunting sessions and accommodation fairs with help and advice about where to start.

We produce a range of private sector information to help you find the right accommodation each year, including a House Hunting Guide

have also set up a Facebook Group called 'Find a Student Housemate'.

For more information, please contact Richard Wilkins, Private Sector Liaison Officer on 01326 253741 or email richard.wilkins@fxplus.ac.uk.

For independent advice, please see the FXU Advice website.

Cornwall Campus
Returning students can apply for University accommodation from mid January onwards.
Exeter Campus