FAQ 720
Am I eligible for a National Scholarship Programme (NSP) Fee Waiver?

To be eligible for an NSP Fee Waiver:

You must be a UK or EU undergraduate student starting a full-time course in September 2012 or thereafter.  

You must also have a household income within the set thresholds set out by your year of entry.  

This must be confirmed each year by Student Finance by completing your means tested assessment.  

It is also necessary to give consent for the value of your household income to be shared with the university, if we are to be able to consider you.    

Students who are on a year abroad or on a year's industrial placement will be eligible for a reduced NSP Fee Waiver in proportion to the reduced tuition fees charged that year.

Part time students may apply for part of the NSP Fee Waiver by completing an application form available from the Students' Guild.


For more information please visit the Undergraduate Bursary area on the University of Exeter's Student Finance webpages.