FAQ 780
When will my exam results be returned to me?

We do our best to return Exam results to students three weeks after the exam period.

  • Students at Stages 1 and 2 will get a full breakdown of exam results from either their Personal Tutor or via their SRS portal. 
  • Students at Stage 3 will be able to find out their degree classes after the meeting of the examination board (the date will be well publicised). 
  • Biosciences will endeavour to make marks available via the SRS system as soon as possible after the Exam Boards. 
  • After graduation, the University will provide students with complete transcripts, including marks for all modules at all levels. 
  • Subsequent copies of transcripts may be obtained from the University Examinations Office on payment of a fee. 
  • Please note that Biosciences will not post results to individual students except in exceptional circumstances.