FAQ 794
If I am unhappy with my marks, who do I talk to?

If you cannot understand the marks you have received in a particular module or feel that the marks that you got are unfair, then you should go and see the lecturer in charge of that module i.e. the Module Co-ordinator. 

You can also discuss the matter with your Pastoral Tutor. 

  • If you are unhappy with the class of degree that you are awarded at the end of your programme then you must act quickly.
  • You will probably want to discuss the matter with your Pastoral Tutor who will normally be available in their office after the results are released. 
  • If you feel there are special circumstances that have not already been considered by Biosciences in awarding your degree, then you will need to follow the formal Appeals procedures. 
  • All such appeals must be lodged within fourteen days of the release of results in the Student Office.