FAQ 84
Where do I get a Hardship and Retention Application form from?

You can now apply Online for assistance from the Hardship and Retention Fund.

We recommend you use Mozilla Firefox‎ as your web browser when applying online for the Hardship and Retention Fund.

If for some reason you are unable to apply on-line, paper forms are available from the Student Funding Team and Students' Guild Advice Centre offices in the Forum (Streatham campus), FXU reception opposite to the refectory/bar at the Penryn Campus (Cornwall).

For more information, please view the Hardship and Retention
 pages on the Student Finance website.

If you are based at the Exeter campuses and need further advice, please contact the Students' Guild Advice Unit by calling 01392 723520 or emailing studentadvice@exeterguild.com.

If you are based at the Cornwall Campus and need further advice, please contact the FXU Advice by calling 01326 255861 and  01326 213742 or emailing advice@fxu.org.uk for further advice.