FAQ 945
I have received an unsatisfactory mark for my exam/assignment, can I appeal this mark?

Whilst all students have the right to appeal against academic decisions that affect their academic progress, in order to be upheld your appeal must satisfy one of the grounds for appeal (please see the link below for full details): 

Material circumstances affecting your performance of which a Board of Examiners or the Board of Faculty had not been aware before reaching its decision, only if you can present reasonable grounds why such circumstances has not been presented to the Board in advance of its meeting

Procedural irregularities in the formal conduct of an assessment or in reaching another academic decision

Evidence of prejudice or of bias on the part of one or more examiner and/or markers ; Being dissatisfied with a mark is not grounds for an appeal. Instead we advise all students if they do not understand a mark that they have received they should contact the module lead concerned.

Full guidance can be found here

Please note, academic appeals must be submitted within 10 working days of an academic decision. 

Postgraduate research students may also appeal against a decision relating to their registration status, such as transfer to continuation status, change of mode of study, early submission of thesis etc. 

Mitigation students are entitled to appeal against the panel decision, please consult your formal outcome letter for details on how to appeal or review the guidance found here

Before submitting an appeal it is advised that you discuss your case with the Business School Quality Assurance Team without delay. 

Please arrange an appointment by emailing business-school-QA@exeter.ac.uk.