FAQ 973
What is the difference between an extension and mitigation?

An extension is only ever requested for assignments and not Exams, and must be applied for before or within 24hrs of your assignment deadline and supporting evidence must be provided within 10 working days of your application. Extensions can only be considered for unpredictable, unknown or unavoidable circumstances. If you are aware of an unavoidable situation that may affect your submission please email business-school-mitigation@exeter.ac.uk as soon as possible or come and see us at the Student Services Desk in Building: One to discuss your eligibility for an extension.

 Mitigation covers both assignments and exams.Applications for mitigation will not be considered until supporting evidence is provided, and must be applied for before or within 24hrs of your assessment. Supporting evidence must be provided within 10 working days of submitting your form. 

If you have any questions or concerns about mitigation then please don’t hesitate to contact the Business School Mitigation Team via business-school-mitigation@exeter.ac.uk or come and see us at the Student Services Desk in Building: One. 

For guidance and advice on how to apply for mitigation using the online form, please visit the University's Welfare webpage and click on the mitigation link. Be sure to read the guidance carefully before submitting a form.