FAQ 998
What companies / sectors have students had placements with?

Our students have had placement in a wide variety of companies and sectors, for example banking, finance, accounting, marketing, human resources, hotel management, travel industry, retail and the charity sector. Our only stipulation is that it is ‘business related’ (and is approved as suitable by our programme director), please bear in mind that this does not mean it has to be related to your degree, for example you may be studying accounting and finance but you may have an interest in retail or marketing.

A few examples of companies where our students have secured placements in the past are Morgan Stanley, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Accenture, PwC, UBS, Bank of England, the GES, Goldman Sachs, Gucci, The Haven (charity), The Zetter (hotel), Nissan, Tescos, Aldi, Lidl and TUI Travel.;