FAQ 2110
To hide and show files in navigation.

This article concerns the T4 content management system used to make changes to the University web pages.

Please note that when editing a page using T4, you must publish your changes before they will be visible on the Exeter web pages. Further, publications can take a full 24 hour period before they are made live.

If you create a new section in T4 and want it to be shown in the University web pages navigation, you must ensure that "Show in Navigation" is selected. T4 will show all visible folders as yellow. Folders which are not visible in site navigation are shown in grey.

To make a hidden folder visible:

1. Navigate to the folder in T4
2. Click the yellow drop down arrow next to the folder and choose "Modify Selection"
3. In the general tab ensure that "Show in Navigation" is ticked
4. Click update to save your changes.