FAQ 2140
I’ve swiped my card, but nothing happens – what’s wrong?

The devices can all be accessed either via the card-swipe, or by pressing the Alternate Login or Keyboard Access button (depending on the model) on the touch-screen. If the card-swipe is working when you arrive at the device, the solid red LED light will be showing. As you swipe your card, it will flash green; and finally it will be solid green as your login is successfully authenticated.

If this sequence doesn’t happen, and the touch-screen doesn’t change as you swipe, then there may be a problem with the swipe-reader. Try using the Alternative Login button before you log a call, as the Helpdesk staff will ask you if you tried this alternative method. If you’re able to log in successfully using the keyboard, then the MFD (multi-functional device) is working but the swipe-reader or its connection to the accounting system is likely to be at fault. 

In some cases the problem may even be your Unicard. In these circumstances, a call needs to be logged for investigation.