FAQ 386
How do I extend my current student visa?

How do I extend my current Tier 4/Student visa?

If you are applying to extend your Tier 4/Student visa from within the UK, it is best to do so through the International Student Support Office at the University. You will receive personalised advice and a trained immigration adviser will check and submit your application with you. Note that not all students can apply to extend their visas in the UK; please contact the International Student Support Office for advice.

When do I need to start preparing my application?

You should begin preparing your application at least 2 months before your current visa expires, although you can submit your application up until the date that your visa expires. 

You are exempt from the Finance requirement if you have lived in the UK with a valid visa for the 12 months before you submit your visa application and are making your visa application from inside the UK. If you are in this situation, you do not need to deposit money or provide evidence of your finances for your visa application. This is because UK Visas and Immigration consider that you have already proved that you can support yourself in the UK.

All other students, including all students applying outside the UK, must meet the Finance requirement.

How do I prepare?

You should do this by attending or watching a recording of a webinar and reading through the information on the International Student Support website. It is extremely important that you follow all of this guidance carefully as the immigration rules are complex.

How do I submit my application?

You can book a digital appointment with an International Student Adviser:

 If you just have a quick question you can make a 5-10 min appointment using the booking form here  


If you would like a longer 45 minute appointment, you can make a request for one using the form here.

The adviser will check through your completed application form and documents with you and make any necessary corrections. The adviser will then help you to complete the form online and submit your documents to UK Visas and Immigration. It is usually possible to have a preliminary appointment to discuss the requirements in more detail before you submit, but during peak periods in September and October, this is unlikely to be possible.

What if I just have some questions?

Make sure you have read through the information on our website, then log an enquiry through SID Online and one of our advisers will be able to give you personalised advice. You can also attend a drop-in session if you have a quick question.