FAQ 394
I need to interrupt my studies or withdraw from my programme, will this affect my Tier 4/Student visa?

Yes, if you need to interrupt your studies or withdraw from your programme this will likely have an effect on your Tier 4/Student visa.


If your interruption is for 2 months or less, it may be possible for your Tier 4/Student visa to continue and for you to remain in the UK, although this is not always the case.

All interruptions of more than 2 months must be reported to UK Visas and Immigration. Your visa will be shortened to 60 days from the date of the report and you will need to leave the UK for the duration of the interruption and apply for a new visa to return.

Detailed information about your visa and interruptions is in the Visa conditions section of our website.


Withdrawals are reported to UK Visas and Immigration. Your visa will be shortened to 60 days from the date of the report. You will need to leave the UK within that time period or make a new visa application (for example, a new Student visa application because you are transferring to another university).

For detailed advice on your particular situation, please log an enquiry and one of our trained immigration advisers will help.

For more information contact the International Student Support Team at  visaadvice@exeter.ac.uk  


If you would prefer a digital appointment via video call you have 2 options below:  


If you just have a quick question you can make a 5-10 min appointment using the booking form here  


If you would like a longer 45 minute appointment, you can make a request for one using the form here.