FAQ 564
When do I start looking for next year's accommodation?

Exeter Campus

The University suggests that you look for a private accommodation before your contract with the University accommodation expires. The University has multiple teams that help with the same. Please go through the accommodation website which has details about how to find private accommodation. 

We have our own link to the private sector, Studentpad, which can be used to search for private accommodation throughout Exeter.

The most important first step is to make sure you are selecting the right people to share accommodation with you. Make sure you have similar habits, interests and budgets as this may help to avoid housemate fallout's later.

For more information, please see the Students' Guild Advice Unit website.

Cornwall Campus

The University suggests that you look for a private accommodation before your contract with the University accommodation expires. The University has multiple teams that help with the same. Please visit here for more details on accommodation.