FAQ 2661
What is an example of a data breach?

Examples of data breaches are:

The loss or theft of data in any format (e.g. papers taken from car, post intercepted, unauthorised download);
Loss or theft or equipment used to store University Information (e.g. laptop, smartphone, USB stick).
Inappropriate access controls allowing unauthorised access
Compromised IT user account (e.g. spoofing, hacking, shared password),
Blagging where information is obtained by deception (a person claims to be someone else over the phone)
Accidental or unauthorised disclosure of University Information (e.g. email or letter to wrong recipient or incorrect system permissions/filter failure);
Corruption or unauthorised modification of vital records (e.g. alteration of master records);
Computer systems or equipment compromise (e.g. virus, malware, denial of service attack);
Break-in at a location holding sensitive information or containing critical information processing equipment such as servers.

If you are unsure whether a data breach has occurred, please call SID on 0300 555 0444.