FAQ 2714
How do I raise a complaint?

We make every effort to ensure that you have the best experience

possible while studying at Exeter. However, we recognise that there may

be occasions where you are dissatisfied with some aspect of your

experience at the University.

The Student Complaints procedure is designed to cover the following types of complaint:

  • a failing in a University service, academic or non-academic
  • misinformation about academic programmes
  • poor teaching or supervision
  • insufficient facilities

If you are unhappy with your experience or with the service you have

received you are encouraged to first talk directly with the person


If you wish to make a formal complaint full details of the Student

Complaints procedure can be found by clicking on the following link:

Student Complaints Procedure

Please remember that a complaint should be submitted as soon as

possible after a problem occurs and in any event must be whilst you are a

current student or within 30 days of ceasing to be registered with the

University. If you are a postgraduate research student, you may use the

procedure for up to 30 calendar days after you have been notified of

your final award of your withdrawal. We recommend that you draft your

complaint, including your preferred resolution and sent it to us at advice@exeterguild.com.

We can assist you by explaining how the complaints process works and

what you need to do. We will read over documents and may accompany you

to meetings. However, we cannot represent you or write documents for


Students based in Cornwall should visit: http://www.fxu.org.uk/advice_welfare/

The students' Guild Advice Unity offers a range of support whether

you need someone to listen or are looking for support. Friendly, trained

advisors can be contacted in person, by phone or by email to discuss

any problems you might be experiencing in your University or personal

life. The team can provide confidential support and signpost you to

expert advice if needed.

You can find the Students' Guild advice Unit on Level +1 in the Forum, phone: 01392 723520 and email: advice@exeterguild.com


FXU has a team of fully trained and experienced advisers to help and

support you. The Service covers the full range of issues including

student funding, benefits advice, financial problems, housing queries,

consumer advice, employment, institutional/academic related problems and


The Advice Service offers free independent, confidential, and

impartial information, advice and support to all students of the

University of Exeter Penryn and of Falmouth University Campus.

You can contact FXU by phone: 01326 255861 or by email on: advice@fxu.org.uk


Information and contact details for FXU Advice and Welfare:Information and contact details for the Students' Guild Advice Unit:Advice from the Students' Guild/FXU: