FAQ 740
I experience mental health difficulties, what support is available to me at the University?

The University offers professional mental health support to all students through the Wellbeing Services Team at the Wellbeing Centre on Streatham Campus.

The team offers a confidential and supportive place to discuss what is happening for you and how your mental health difficulties are impacting on your course, academic progression and University life. 

Support can include assistance in managing your mental health difficulties, putting in place reasonable adjustments to your course, liaising with your academic College and/or signposting to other services such as your GP, International Student Support and Community Mental Health Services.

For more information please see our leaflet on "Support for Students Experiencing Mental Health Difficulties" or visit the Wellbeing Services website.  You can also Log an Enquiry on-line with the Student Information Desk (via the SID tile on iExeter).